
Rules for Hostel

  1. Students will getup according to the schedule with first whistle. No. student should be on bed after third whistle.
  2. Mobile phones are not allowed in the school campus/Hostel.
  3. Students must have to speak in English or pure Hindi.
  4. student can sleep on the bed of another student and should not share their study table.
  5. Checking wardrobe and bag of other students is strictly banned.
  6. student is allowed to bring knife, rope & blades in their luggage.
  7. Students luggage has to be get checked by the warden before entering the Hostel.
  8. fast food allowed in the hostel.
  9. Only vegetarian food will be served.
  10. If two students will quarrel then both will be treated as a culprits. It is necessary to inform the attendant about any behavioral problem of other student in advance.
  11. Students must have to go in the row to hawan, mess, school and games.
  12. No student is allowed to go to another student’s room/washroom without asking the attendant.
  13. Students have to be in complete silence during hawan time and mess time.
  14. Students are allowed to talk to parents on allotted days only.
  15. It is the responsibility of the students towards his luggage and clothes. if some item is lost than attendant has to be informed immediately.
  16. Parents can meet their children on the last Sunday of the month only.
  17. Parent entry in the hostel is not permitted.
  18. Students cannot go to bed without showing his homework to the team leader or attendant.
  19. Students cannot come to the hostel during school time.

Note:-     After three mistakes student will be blacklisted/send to home.

Dear Students,

         You are required to bring following items at time of Join.

  1. Bath Soap as required
  2. Washing soap as required
  3. Bathroom Chappals
  4. Tooth Brush & Tooth Paste
  5. 1 Pent Shirt (for Birthday or During Transit)
  6. 01 Blanket/Rajai + Pillow
  7. Original Documents (e.g. Aadhar Card, Last class Report Card, T.C. etc.)

Note:- Below mentioned items are not allowed.

  1. T-Shirts without colour or round neck.
  2. Shoes without laces.
  3. Gold ornaments.
  4. Mobile & valuables is strictly note permitted.

Hostel Schedule


Weak days


Sunday Timing


Wake up call :-

4:30 Am

5:30 am


Yoga and meditation:-

5:20am to 6:00am

6:20 am to 8:00am



6:00am to 7:00

7:00 am to 8:00 am



7:05 am to 7:15 am

8:10 am to 8:30 am



7:15 am to 7:50 am

8:30 am to 9:30 am


School time/Games/Sunday Activities

8:00 am to 2:00 pm

9:45 am to 1:00pm


Snacks Morning

11:20 am to 11:40 am

11:20 am to 11:40 am



2:00 to 2:40 pm

2:00 pm to 2:40pm


Evening Preparation

4:00 pm to 6:00pm

Self study counseling


Evening Games

6:00 pm to 7:30pm

Religious and motivational lecture/mouier time



7:30 pm to 8:20 pm




8:20 pm to 9:20pm

8:20 pm to 9:20 pm


Self Study

9:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Free time


Light off

