Director's Message

Mr. R. V. Bhardwaj
(B.Sc., MA Economics, B.ed)
Director's Message
Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge skills and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching/training. It is our endeavour to in part such training to our students through the teaching and experience through the activities that enable a student not only to realize his/her potential and lead a healthy and balanced life but also proves useful society as well. The curriculum and extra curricular activities are framed keeping this objective of all- round development of the child in mind. The child is the focus of all our policies and programmes. The parental influence on the development of a child is of immense importance. The child starts its learning in the lap of mother. Through out one’s life the environment in and around the home plays a vital roll in the life of a person. Therefore parents should come forward to play their part of role in shaping the future of their lovely kids. It is only the combination of both, the school’s efforts and parent’s care that would result in making a student a man of values, self – reliant and useful to the society.